
Andock creates an environment for each branch.

Andock checks out the latest artifact from artifact repository and runs all tasks either from the init or update tasks to initialize or update the environment.

To deploy an environment run andock deploy.

Hooks overview

Hooks can be registered in your andock.yml.

File name Description
hook_init_tasks Hook fired while andock deploy (if the environment is new)
hook_update_tasks Hook fired while andock deploy (if the environment already exists)
hook_test_tasks Hook fired while andock environment test
hook_deploy_done_tasks Hook fired after andock deploy
hook_deploy_failed_tasks Hook fired after andock deploy failed



 - name: Init Andock environment
   command: "fin andock-init"
     chdir: "{{ docroot_path }}"


 - name: Clear Drupal cache
   command: "fin drush cr"
     chdir: "{{ docroot_path }}"

Path environment variables:

Path Description
environment_path The root directory of the environment.
docroot_path The docroot path.